It is believed by anthropologists that Native Americans have resided in North America for between 12-thousand and 25-thousand years. With that much history, each set of Native American customs is very special and unique. The customs and beliefs do not consist of a specific thing or things. Each individual tribe has its own set of Native American customs, language and beliefs.
Native American Customs
Pow wows are one of the most recognizable aspects of Native American customs. The gatherings became a way for people to come together to celebrate their heritage when the American government was attempting to suppress some Native American customs. The pow wows were one of the few meetings that were permitted, and it is believed the gatherings came about because Native Americans would be forced by the government at times to perform public dances. Today, pow wows still exist and give Native Americans the opportunity to perform dances, wear classic and traditional garb and see friends. The events are also used to teach Native American customs to others.
Native American Customs and Dances
Native American dances are an integral part of not only Native American customs but also the history of the nation. In both past and present, dance is a form of personal expression for Native Americans, and they are focused on following the rhythm of an instrument. Each dance is unique and they all have their own purpose or multiple purposes. Even today, the dances have ceremonial significance. Some notable dances as part of Native American customs include the “Rain Dance,” the “War Dance” and the “Medicine Dance.”